
Monday, July 1, 2013

Illustration Friday Submission "Equality"

At least this week I completed a submission for Illustration Friday. The topic is "Equality". Obviously a heavy topic in our nation at the moment. Hopefully one day it will not be an issue at all. There are so many artists that are representing equality in a beautiful way so make sure you visit Illustration Friday to see what everyone is doing! I didn't feel I could come up with anything better than what I was seeing so I decided to do something from a simple time. I remember sharing these with my sister when I was a kid. For the most part we were able to get a clean break right down the middle. It would be so nice if the only equality we had to worry about was who got the bigger half of the popsicle!


  1. Nicely done! Love the colors--so summer-y!

    1. Thanks Elizabeth! It was fun to do, I love the bright colors! ;-)

  2. Love this illustration! I especially like the simplicity of it. :)

    1. Oh thank you so much! I almost left it without the stripes but that just seemed toooo simple. ;-)

  3. Mmmm popsicles. So hard to eat once they break apart though. Love your illustration!!

    1. Every time I look at it, it makes me want a popsicle. Maybe I should stop painting food...makes me hungry! ;-)

  4. Love it! Only I remember when we could get them for a nickle! For 15 cents all us kids could have one and one left over for Mom!

    1. Thanks! That makes me think of the Peanuts gange commercial. You know everything can't be 5 cents. :-)

  5. I love the simplicity of your paintings, yet they are full of details--even if it's just the light and shading as in this popsicle.

    1. Aww thank you Cathy, I was very pleased with this one in particular. I love when a painting is a surprise, and to complete one that looks how I want it too...that's a surprise! haha I usually have something about them that I'm not crazy about. Somehow this one even looks cold, like it's going to melt soon...the other ones don't. I don't know what the trick would think since I painted it I would! haha
