
Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Poodle.

Hellooo daaarling.... can't you just hear Cary Grant? I love this photo. I've been pinning poodles on pinterest (say that three times fast) and have found some great photos of other poodle people. My husband and I both grew up with poodles and it's almost hard to imagine not having one. I thought I'd share these folks that need no introduction.


How could I show you all these beauties (ok the people & pig aren't bad either) and not include a few of my own?


 One last photo of my other most very very favorite little girl...Phoebe.

Hope you all have a wonderful day and give hugs to your fur family members!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Illustration Friday Topic: Prehistoric

It feels good to do an Illustration Friday submission! It makes you think outside your normal box. This weeks topic was "Prehistoric". Of course I could of done a dinosaur or some cave painting but that's not my thing. So, here is a cheeky look at something a bit prehistoric. OK not really, but compared to the IPhone it is. Also, I love The Clash, not that they are prehistoric but I just love them. Hope you like it! Please don't forget to check out all the other submissions, loads of fun stuff!

Friday, February 7, 2014

More Miniatures from Mom!

I just wanted to share another miniatures post my mom did. Lots of fun details! Click here!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Cabin Fever


I must admit I'm starting to get a little cabin fever. I'm so glad the days are getting longer, I need to feel the sun on my face. I love living in Kentucky for the fact that we have comparatively mild winters to my hometown of Indianapolis. But mother nature is playing a trick on us this year. We have a blanket of snow on the ground and it's raining. I'm afraid it will turn to ice over night. Fingers crossed it wont. I thought I would share some photos of my flower garden that I had up in Indiana. Our home now has many large trees and I don't have many full sun areas where I can grow these beautiful flowers. I do however have some beautiful shade plants. I'm so glad we to live in a time when we have cameras so when we need a little spring in our day we can look back on days past and think about our future gardens. I think I need to order some seed catalogues!   


Well there it is, my Indiana flowers and butterfly friends. I hope you are staying safe if you are having weather issues. The maps look crazy! It will soon be spring, then it will be summer and I will be wishing I could curl up with a hot chocolate and watch the snow fall outside my window. We always want what we can't have right. Note to self, have a cup of hot chocolate for breakfast and enjoy the winter wonderland in the morning.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Pixiwoo Brushes

The brushes I'm going to tell you about today are for painting. Painting your face. I've been a fan of the Pixwoo sisters for awhile and if you're not familiar with them they are two very talented makeup artists and sisters from England. They do youtube tutorials for just about any look you are wanting, everything from Elizabeth Taylor, to everyday looks, to the  vampires from Twilight. I prefer their "basic" looks or "party" looks, here is one of my favorite more wearable looks.

OK, back to the brushes. Awhile back the girls came out with their own line of makeup brushes called "Real Techniques". I had been wanting to order them but they were not available in the States. Or at least I could not find them. Finally I was able to find them on Kohls' website. I'm giving them two thumbs up! These brushes are super soft and give you a flawless finish. I have rather large pores so I feel like I have to go light on the foundation. These brushes blend so well! I love them!

I've ordered two more bushes since getting these. A stippling brush that is AMAZING and a blending brush I use for eye shadow.
The eyeliner brush works perfectly with gel eyeliner and the large blusher seems to pick up just the right amount.
The brush on the left is the foundation brush that I really think is the best foundation brush I've ever used. The blusher is in the center and on the right is a blender that I've not used much. It would be great for blending bronzer, but since it's the middle of winter I really don't mind embracing my Irish/English heritage and keeping it pasty white! HA! Wait wait, not pasty, porcelain. ;-)
One other thing I love about them is that they stand up on end. I keep my brushes in a glass vase thingy but this makes them super handy to set down for a minute and pick right back up without getting whatever is on the brush all over the vanity if I put it down.
OK onto other news. We have 6" of snow this morning!!! It's so pretty, but honestly I'm hoping work gets called off. I hate driving in in this stuff. I just want to stay home and look out the window at it fall. I know for some of you it sounds silly to call off work for 6" of snow, but this city is not in any way shape or form good at snow removal. Side streets don't get much attention and neighborhood streets....forget about it. That is one good thing about living in a northern city. They know how to handle the snow. I hope wherever you are that your window view is as pretty as mine. Have a great day!!!