
Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Cabin Fever


I must admit I'm starting to get a little cabin fever. I'm so glad the days are getting longer, I need to feel the sun on my face. I love living in Kentucky for the fact that we have comparatively mild winters to my hometown of Indianapolis. But mother nature is playing a trick on us this year. We have a blanket of snow on the ground and it's raining. I'm afraid it will turn to ice over night. Fingers crossed it wont. I thought I would share some photos of my flower garden that I had up in Indiana. Our home now has many large trees and I don't have many full sun areas where I can grow these beautiful flowers. I do however have some beautiful shade plants. I'm so glad we to live in a time when we have cameras so when we need a little spring in our day we can look back on days past and think about our future gardens. I think I need to order some seed catalogues!   


Well there it is, my Indiana flowers and butterfly friends. I hope you are staying safe if you are having weather issues. The maps look crazy! It will soon be spring, then it will be summer and I will be wishing I could curl up with a hot chocolate and watch the snow fall outside my window. We always want what we can't have right. Note to self, have a cup of hot chocolate for breakfast and enjoy the winter wonderland in the morning.


  1. Shelly, the photographs of your flowers are beautiful! We are waiting for the sun to come to see if we lost a big tree. Ken heard a mighty loud CRACK a little while ago. The lights have been blinking on and off since we were awakened at 5:00 because the power went off momentarily (our answering machine always feels the need to tell us to reset the time when it loses power for even a second!) Ken drove down to get the newspaper (we have a very long, steep driveway) and couldn't get the car back up the driveway because of the ice. I don't mind this weather if I don't have to go out in it...but ask me later today once I see what damage has been done to our trees!

    1. Oh no I hope your trees are ok. A huge pine tree was uprooted at the end of our street and the streets are still a mess. On the up side the dogs are no longer knee deep (for them) in snow, it froze so they can just walk on top of it! haha

    2. We lost our power a few hours after my comment---and many more branches and some trees. Just got the power back last evening. There is still ice on all the branches weighing them down so we really won't know the extent of the damage until after the thaw.

    3. Oh no Cathy, I hope the damage is minimal. Hope you were able to stay warm! That is a fear of mine, we don't have a fireplace in this house and I always think, what if we got snowed in and lost power. We lost power for a week last summer. Other than missing my hairdryer it was not bad haha. Stay safe out there, you never know when those trees will give when there is ice.

  2. I miss a sunny garden , but this year the small one out front should be better and since we lost all those trees a couple of years ago, I can get a few pretty blooms where the shade garden used to be, but the old place and all the old fashioned flowers we had sure were pretty.

    1. It really was so pretty! I miss the front porch.
