
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A new calander day and turning the page never felt so good.

Is it finally over? Winter that is. I don't recall a winter this long ever. I know everyone is saying this but I'm so very happy to see flowers and little patches of green grass.

It appears my orchid is sick of it too and ready to bloom. I usually keep the café curtains in the kitchen closed during the winter and honestly it a terrible thing to do because I forget to water the plants that live there during the cold months. Well, this morning when I pulled the curtain back instead of a half dead plant (like the jade next to Miss Orchid) there were little buds stretching out ready to say hello spring! It feels good to see this, it also feels amazing to turn my calendar to April 1st!

Hope you don't get pranked today. Hope mother nature does not prank us, it appears to be the start of a beautiful day!


  1. It's great to hear from you again, Shelly. I think the whole world is glad to see Spring finally arrive......but I agree with you....I don't trust we won't get pranked today with yet another snow storm like we did 2 days ago!

    1. Hi Cathy! Hopefully the snow is over ....I'm so over snow. I love it but it just went on WAY to long this year. :-)
